How to join
All South Karelian companies or communities offering energy and environmental sector's goods and services are welcome to join. Also companies and public corporations who enable the development of energy and environmental sector's goods and services by acting as testbeds and offering solutions are accepted as members.
Greenreality Network membership fees:
- Small organization (1-5 htv) €500
- Medium-sized organization (6-250 htv) €1,000
- Large organization (>251 htv) €2,000
- Association €500
- Municipality with less than 10,000 inhabitants €1,000 + VAT
- Municipality with less than 30,000 inhabitants €3,000 + VAT
- Municipality with more than 30,000 inhabitants €5,000 + VAT
Would you like more information about the network?
Please contact:
Development manager
Noora Hakkarainen
Business Services
City of Lappeenranta
+358 40 3563142